Friday, December 19, 2014

Travel Diaries: Malaysia, November 2014

   Today i’m sharing with you my first trip to Malaysia, Kuala lumpur. My last Holiday destination was Turkey, Istanbul for the New Year 2014 holiday, so by the end of this year i was so desperate for a getaway anywhere and when my brother came to me :“I just took three weeks off from work, just find any where you want to go for one week only and i will come with you”. 
       I went to Monaco travel agency and find a great offer for 275KD only 5 Days (Tickets/ 5 Stars Hotel). Then set down to decide what clothes to wear over there, its monsoon season,i have a few days before my trip and i didn't know what to wear? all i know that i should pack Rain-appropriate footwear, umbrella, quicker-drying fabrics clothes and backpack. (end of the story i didn't look my in Best). 
1 kuwait airport, 2 at the airplane, 3 colombo airport 4 kuala lumpur
airport (you can see how tired i was and all my makeup was gone)
     Our trip was very long and tiring, i was so happy to finally reach our hotel "Prince Hotel & Residence Kuala Lumpur” and have two hours sleep then a quick shower and we went to a close by mall Pavilion for Dinner. We found the best restaurant called Michelangelo’s, we ordered two filetto di salmone and two wetermelon drinks, i just can’t tell you how delicious was the food (Amaaaaaazzzzzing).

    Next Day we took the tour bus trip, on Stop No. 6 we found a nice spa called The Tropical Spa, both of us took the shoulders and foot massage package. It was the best foot massage i ever had, my left foot was killing me for weeks before the trip only when i wear flats, and after the massage i felt no pain at all. After that we went to the end of the street and we come by a big Tea shop, i bought all the tea bags and tea leafs i want from this shop only they have everything.
Tea Shop
    Next Stop was China Town, wasn’t my favorite stop but my Brother loved it, i only enjoyed the fruit snacks and pineapple tart ;) .

Mango Snack

quick visit to Orchid park
Petronas Twin Towers and lunch at KiKi thai restaurant 
after shopping we were back to Michelangelo’s for dinner
    In our third day, we went to butterflies park and birds park in the morning and in the afternoon we went shopping at mine mall. We had our lunch at fish & Co. i ate fish & chips african style and when we finished shopping at night the plan was to go to pavilion agin and try Grandmama’s restaurant but there was a rain storm outside, so we had to go back to the hotel before dinner to change our wet clothes and wait for the rain to stop.

      The following day we went shopping at Lot 10 mall and fahreneit 88 mall where we had our lunch at Sushi Zanmai  it was so cheap and delicious.
three kinds of maki, salmon, white rice and drinks for 84.70RM only!!
      And more shopping at Star Hills mall and pavilion (again), Then by Night dinner at La Boca latino Bar also amazing food and atmosphere.
the Dress i found in star hills mall (it cost 300 KD!!), in that day i was sick and was looking for coffee every where (turkish coffee and coffee ice cream).
La boca, another enjoyable meal ;)
       We ended the night with a long walk at bukit bintang street and on the way back to the hotel we found street artist (his name is Colin think) he draw my portrait for 50 Rm.
      Finally the last day, we went to the factories area and Roncato leatherware  was the best stop we had the other factories were coffee, tea, chocolates factories. (i think i will write another post to show you some of the malaysia shopping). In the afternoon we went to berjaya time square mall for more shopping of course and at night we went to Petronas twin towers for dinner in a very traditional japanese restaurant named Umai-ya, and for the first time i ate Ramen (Kaisen Ramen) and it was so yummy.

berjaya time square
Our Last Dinner at Malaysia

  Thank you for reading and please encourage me with your comments and e-mails or by following me at instagram. (you will find my information at "about me” Tab)

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Like an indian bride/ مثل العروس الهندية

i love love hindi movies. i watched them since i was in kindergarten, the family gathering (my father side) was every friday and after lunch we were gathered to watch hindi movie aired on KTV.
And in every movie there will be a wedding scene performing their wedding rituals, one particular ritual interested me, when they paint the bride with turmeric mask.

أنا أموت بالأفلام الهندية، من كنت بالحضانة و أنا أذكر أهل أبوي و طقوس الزوارة كانت كل جمعة بعد الغداء نتيمع عند التلفزيون و ننطر الفلم الهندي اللي راح يعرضونه حتي الخدم يقعدون و اذكر كان عندنا صبي يضحك نسيت اسمه كله يبي يترجم لنا الفلم وترجمته تضحك تنسينه ساعات احداث الفلم، المهم إن في كل فلم هندي لازم في مشاهد عرس و طقوسهم اللي ما تخلص و اكثر شي يشد انتباهي لما يدهنون العروس بخلطة من الكركم.

i asked and searched the recipe for this mask for a long time, finally two years ago i found it, it's called “Peeti” and it can really reduce/stop the amount of breakouts (you can use it Whenever you feel a pimple coming on) and eliminate wrinkles and will leave your skin soft and glowing.

سألت و دورت علي الوصفة وايد، و أخيرا من سنتين تقريبا لقيتها، يسمونها “بيتي - Peeti “ و عرفت انها تقلل و تمنع ظهور البثور و تقضي علي التجاعيد و تعطي البشرة نعومة و إشراقة. أول ما تحسين في بثور بدت تبين تحت الجلد علي طول استخدمي الماسك قبل لا يطلع لها راس، وراح تحسين بعد ما تغسلين الماسك بحرارة في مكان البثرة معناته تأثير الماسك اشتغل علشان يمنع البثرة من انها تكبر.

Proven Health Benefits of Turmeric :

  1. natural pain killer.
  2. helps with depression.
  3. treats cancers and Alzheimer's.
  4. Improved Brain Function and a Lower Risk of Brain Diseases.
  5. Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease.
  6. detox the liver.
  7. it helps speed up the process of healing wounds and helps in fixing damaged skin.

الفوائد الصحية للكركم:

  1. مسكن طبيعي للألم.
  2. يساعد في حالات الإكتئاب.
  3. يعالج حالات من السرطان و الزهايمر.
  4. تحسين وظائف الدماغ و يخفض خطر أمراض الدماغ.
  5. خفض خطر الإصابة بأمراض القلب.
  6. التخلص من السموم في الكبد.
  7. يساعد علي تسريع عملية إلتئام الجروح  ويساعد في تجديد الجلد التالف.

Mask recipe:

2 Tbsp Gram Flour
1 Tbsp Almond Oil
1/2 Tsp Turmeric

Mix all the ingredients into a bowl,the amount of milk will depend on the mixture, it must be like a paste so you can spread it on your face/body (not very thick or runny).
leave it on your skin for 20 minutes then rinse.

وصفة القناع:

٢ ملعقة كبيرة من دقيق الحمص
١ ملعقة كبيرة من زيت اللوز الحلو
١/٢ ملعقة صغيرة كركم

نخلط جميع المقادير في وعاء، و يضاف الحليب بشكل تدريجي حتي نكون خليط متماسك مثل العجين و سهل وضعه علي الوجه والجسم. يترك القناع لمدة ٢٠ دقيقة علي البشرة ثم يشطف بالماء.


For best results do this twice a week.
It stains, so be careful and make sure you don’t get it in your eyes/ nose, it is a spice!


لأفضل النتائج استخدمية مرتين بالاسبوع.
كوني حذرة اثناء وضع القناع حتي لا يترك بقع علي الملابس تصعب إزالتها ، و تأكدي من عدم ملامسته للعين أو الأنف بسبب و جود توابل في القناع.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Beauty Experience: Once upon a time / كان يا ماكان

 Once upon a time when i was a very little girl, i always thought that old people with wrinkles and lines in their faces they were born like that. i didn’t understand that we all grow old and have our share of wrinkles. But when i entered school i learned that even me one day i will grow up to become old like my grandma and i promised my self that day “no no not me i will always be young”.

    As i promised you before, in my first post, that i will share with you anything i will do for pursuing of long lasting youth and beauty. This year in august i have started to take
some actions to fulfill this promise but like
everyone else i hate needles so much
but i was thinking about my face i have to
start now before its too late, the years
passing by so quickly i can’t believe i’m on
my thirties now. so on the first of August i
gathered all my courage and decided to go
to virginia clinic to check what i can do for the
dark circles around my eyes and the hollow
below my lower eyelid.

  كان يا ماكان  لما كنت طفلة صغيرة وكنت أشوف جدتي و الحريم الثانين الكبار بالسن، كانت دايما تلفت نظري التجاعيد و كنت مقتنعه إن اهما إنولدوا جذي “جدات” .بس للأسف لما دخلت المدرسة تعلمنا دائرة الحياة ، و انصدمت اني يوم من الأيام راح يصير عندي نفس التجاعيد و الخطوط  ، يومها وعدت نفسي “مستحيل أنا راح أكبر و راح أضل صغيرة علي طول”.
 مثل ما قلتلكم من قبل ، أي شي راح أسويه تجميلي راح أشاركم بالتجربة . هالسنة في شهر أغسطس خذت قراري ، لازم أبدي أبلش من الحين أشوف حلول لتأخير أي مظاهر شيخوخة ممكن تظهر بالسنين اليايه ، مع إني حدي جبانة و أموت خوف من الأبر بس  خلاص لا مفر. حجزت موعد مع دكتور محمد يحي في عيادة فرجينيا علشان أبلش بعيني ، عندي سواد تحت العين و مثل خفقة تحت العين.
اقتراحات الدكتور كانت ٣ الي ٥ جلسات علاج كاربوكسي و أصر علي ضرورة حقن بوتوكس في المنطقة ما بين الحاجبين و الزاوية الخارجية للعين. أول شي بلشنه بالبوتيكس و أحب أشكر دكتوري كان وايد متفهم و متعاون و أنا تقريبا هسترت من الخرعة ، بس بالنهاية ما حسيت بعوار أبدا.

  My appointment was with Dr. Mohamed yahia
and he suggested that i take Carboxy therapy
from 3 to 5 sessions and he insisted on botox
injection in between my eyebrows and the
side corners of my eyes.
we started with the Botox and let me here
thank my doctor, he was very patient with
me babbling that i'm so afraid and worried for
doing this. but at the end i didn’t feel any pain
and agreed on second appointment to start
the Carboxy therapy he suggested.

1st Step: Botox injection

2nd Step: Carboxy therapy

on 6 of August i wen back again to the clinic for the first session of Carboxy therapy.

الجلسة الثالثة رحت مو حاطة كونسيلر أو فاوندايشن

something you need to know:

  1. Carboxy therapy is injecting a small amount of carbon dioxide gas just beneath the skin of the lower eyelid, circulation will increased and dark under-eye circles will markedly improved. 
  2. The treatment takes only five minutes, and is painless and risk-free.
  3. The treatment can be taking every two weeks.

The result can be last up to one year, if you take a good care of your health like having good sleep and drink a lot of water.
  and my advice for you: check first your blood test before you start this treatment because if you have problem like Anemia you will not have the perfect result.
 my result was great but not perfect because of iron deficiency the dark circle has gone from the outer corner of my eyes but in the inner corner there is darkness there, you can see that in the last picture i’m wearing my makeup with no concealer and foundation.

معلومات لازم تعرفونها :
  1. علاج الكاربوكسي هو عبارة عن حقن كمية صغيرة من غاز ثاني أكسيد الكربون تحت الجلد في منطقة الجفن السفلي، لزيادة الدورة الدموية و تحسين السواد تحت العين بشكل ملحوظ.
  2. جلسة العلاج ما تاخذ خمس دقايق و ما منها خطورة و لا ألم (لدرجة إن ما تحتاج مخدر).
  3. بين كل جلسة و جلسة مدة اسبوعين.

النتيجة ممكن تستمر نتايجها لمدة توصل لسنة ، اذا حافظتي علي العادات الصحية مثل النوم الكافي خصوصا فترة الليل و شرب الماء.
نصيحة مني : قبل لا تخضعين للعلاج سوي تحليل دم علشان تتأكدين إن مافيج مشاكل بالدم ممكن تأثر علي نتيجة العلاج ، يعني أنا نتيجتي حلوه بس مو ممتازة لأنه السواد راح من كل المنطقة ما عدى الزاوية الداخليه من العين (القريبة من الخشم) . واضح بالصورة الأخيرة كنت رايحة و حاطة مكياجي من غير فاوندايشن و لا كونسيلر ، عقب ثالث جلسةكنت راح أكلم الدكتور آخذ جلسات زيادة بس بالصدفة سويت تحليل و عرفت إن الحديد عندي نازل، فأول ما يتعدل تحليلي راح أرجع مرة ثانية للنتيجة النهائية.